Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Bills
This is a longitudinal dataset displaying all HIA bills introduced between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2016.
Public Health Topic
Social Determinants of Health and Health Disparities
51 Jurisdictions
Date Range
January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2016
last Updated
Apr 05, 2017
- Has a health impact assessment (HIA) bill been introduced in the jurisdiction?
- What is the bill number?
- Does the bill require an HIA?
Recreational Marijuana Laws
At the federal level, the sale and possession of marijuana is illegal under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. Alaska, Colorado, the District of Columbia, Oregon, and Washington State, however, have enacted laws that legalize marijuana use for recreational purposes.
Public Health Topic
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs
51 Jurisdictions
Date Range
August 4, 2014 - July 1, 2015
last Updated
Apr 05, 2017
- Does the state have a law authorizing recreational marijuana?
- What agency regulates the sale of recreational marijuana?
- Is marijuana required to be tested before it is sold?
- Can an in-state resident purchase marijuana?
- Can an out-of-state resident purchase marijuana?
- Plus 7 others...
Health in All Policies (HiAP) Bills
This is a longitudinal dataset displaying all HiAP bills introduced between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2016.
Public Health Topic
Social Determinants of Health and Health Disparities
50 U.S states and the District of Columbia
Date Range
January 1, 2012 -December 31, 2016
last Updated
Apr 05, 2017
- Has a Health in All Policies (HiAP) bill been introduced in the jurisdiction?
- What is the bill number?
- What type of HiAP approach does the bill call for?
State Radon Laws
This dataset provides the laws and regulations states enacted governing radon disclosure, radon certification, and mitigation.
Public Health Topic
Environmental Health
50 U.S. States and the District of Columbia
Date Range
December 1, 2016 - December 1, 2016
last Updated
Mar 20, 2017
- Does the state have a law requiring sellers to disclose known radon levels in the sale of homes?
- Does the state have radon disclosure through any of the following:
- Does the state require landlords to disclose radon to tenants?
- Plus 6 others...
Health in All Policies (HiAP) Laws
We're currently migrating this dataset. To interact with these data, visit our Legacy Site.
Public Health Topic
State and Local Governance
50 U.S. States and the District of Columbia
Date Range
January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2016
last Updated
Dec 31, 2016
- Has a Health in All Policies (HiAP) law been enacted or amended in the jurisdiction?
- What type of HiAP approach does the law call for?
Health Insurance Coverage Laws for Diabetes Self-Management Education and Training
This map shows which states have laws that require such coverage for both private insurance plans and Medicaid, and provides information on legal requirements for, among other things, when DSME/T coverage is triggered, what specific activities are covered, and the standards that DSME/T must meet.
Public Health Topic
Chronic Disease
50 U.S States and the District of Columbia
Date Range
August 1, 2016 - May 1, 2017
last Updated
Aug 01, 2016
- Does the law require private insurance plans to cover DSME/T?
- Does the law require the state Medicaid program to cover DSME/T?
Physician Scope of Practice Delegation Laws
This dataset identifies variation in state laws that explicitly define medical activities included in a physician's scope of practice, and addresses a physician's ability to delegate those medical activities to nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and physician assistants. It also explores the liability for medical errors in every state.
Public Health Topic
Health Services
50 U.S States and the District of Columbia
Date Range
April 30, 2015 - April 30, 2015
last Updated
Apr 30, 2015
- What medical activities are explicitly included in this jurisdiction's definition of medicine?
- Does the law allow a physician to delegate any medical activities to a nurse practitioner?
- Does the law allow a physician to delegate any medical activities to a registered nurse?
- Plus 1 other...
Long-Term Involuntary Commitment Laws
This dataset explores long-term involuntary commitment laws in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Public Health Topic
Mental Health and Mental Disorders
50 U.S. States and the District of Columbia
Date Range
April 2, 2008 - May 1, 2016
last Updated
Mar 01, 2015
- Is there a state law regulating involuntary commitment?
- Can an individual be involuntarily committed solely on the basis of mental illness?
- What are the criteria for involuntary commitment of an individual?
- Plus 9 others...
Promoting Health and Cost Control in States Initiative: State Policy Project
State policymakers often focus on improving residents' health by expanding access to quality health services.
Public Health Topic
State and Local Governance
Date Range
last Updated
Naloxone Overdose Prevention Laws
Unintentional drug overdose is a leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Administering naloxone hydrochloride (“naloxone”) can reverse an opioid overdose and prevent these unintentional deaths.
Public Health Topic
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs, Injury and Violence Prevention
Date Range
last Updated