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Australian Active Built Environment Laws


About this dataset:

This dataset examines the state and territory laws in Australia that influence the built environment for walking and cycling. Scientific legal mapping was used to characterise the extent to which primary legislation (governing urban planning, transport, climate change and public health) embedded objectives that would promote physical activity, and to assess whether planning laws incorporated measurable standards that align with criteria known to promote active living. Obligations for monitoring implementation and enforcement of planning law were also examined. The dataset highlights differences in state and territory laws and reveals opportunities where laws could be strengthened to promote more active environments in Australia.

Cited By

Mapping and analysis of laws influencing built environments for walking and cycling in Australia

BMC Public Health 23, 108
Mapping and analysis of laws influencing built environments for walking and cycling in Australia
Nau, T., Perry, S., Giles-Corti, B. et al.

The Built Environment and Population Physical Activity: Methods for Mapping the Relevant Laws

Journal of Physical Activity and Health
The Built Environment and Population Physical Activity: Methods for Mapping the Relevant Laws.
Nau, T., Bellew, W., Giles-Corti, B., Bauman, A., & Smith, B. J.

What do we know about the laws that shape our built environments for walking and cycling in Australia?

The Australian Prevention Partnership Centre
What do we know about the laws that shape our built environments for walking and cycling in Australia?
Nau, T., Bauman, A., Giles-Corti, B., Bellew, W., Smith, B.

Related Datasets

Dataset Created by
Prevention Research Collaboration at the School of Public Health, The University of Sydney

Dataset Maintained by
Prevention Research Collaboration at the School of Public Health, The University of Sydney

Dataset Valid From
November 29, 2021

Dataset Updated Through
November 29, 2021

Total Jurisdictions Covered

Tracy Nau, [email protected]

Cite this dataset

Prevention Research Collaboration at the School of Public Health, The University of Sydney (2025, February 11). Australian Active Built Environment Laws.

Prevention Research Collaboration at the School of Public Health, The University of Sydney (February 11, 2025). “Australian Active Built Environment Laws.”.
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